Teaching Development Grant (TDG)

1.An Evaluative Study to Identify the Feasibility, Acceptance and Educational Values of eLearning at CUHK
2.Diffusion of eLearning Pedagogies to Enhance Sustainability and Collaboration – The Roles and Responsibilities of ELITE (Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology)
3.Meta-analysis of the UG Programme Review Reports – Identifying the Good Practices and Innovative Pedagogies
4.Supporting the Professional Development Needs in Teaching of CUHK Teachers – A Review of the Professional Development Activities Provided by CLEAR
5.Tracking the Development of CUHK Students through Longitudinal Surveys – From Entry Class Questionnaire (ECQ) to Undergraduate Exit Survey
6.Classroom/Location-based Language Enhancement Technologies for Rich Interaction
7.Supporting and Further Development of uReply
8.SMART Assessment Hub: Channeling Assessment Standards and Empowering Student Readiness to Learn
9.Understanding the Academic Pathways and Experiences of Sub-degree Transfer Students
10.Exemplary Teachers in Action − Documenting the Teaching Practice of Teachers Receiving the CUHK University Education Award
11.eLearning Community of Practice (eLCoP)
12.eLearning Good Practices − Pedagogical Support in the Form of Micro-Module Resources
13.Promoting a Culture of Innovation and Social Enterprisingness Among CUHK Students
14.Supporting the Development and Implementation of Internationalized Curricula
15.Web-based Interaction Backbone for Integration in AR and VR Developments
16.Evaluating the Impact of the Early Feedback Collection System
17.Exploration and Development of Innovative Pedagogies (Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)) in Supporting the Production of Courseware
18.Formulation, Application, and Diffusion of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Technology in Teaching and Learning
19.Review on Teaching Development Projects – Identifying and Promoting Good Practices on Pedagogies
20.Support Measures for the Implementation of Criterion-referenced Assessment
21.Capacity Building of the CUHK Teaching Force by Forging a Community of HEA Teaching Fellows