The Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) aims to advance the University’s excellence and scholarship in teaching and learning.

Our Mission
  • To support the mission of the University particularly in its concern for the assurance of high quality in teaching and learning;
  • To encourage excellence in teaching and learning so as to maximize the potential of both teachers and students;
  • To create opportunities for academics to reflect upon their teaching and share their experiences.

Our Goals
  • To promote good teaching (and assessment) practice that facilitates student learning;
  • To provide professional development opportunities for CUHK teachers;
  • To enhance student learning environments;
  • To support rigorous evaluation of curriculum development and teaching and learning practice;
  • To conduct research in areas related to teaching and learning in higher education.

  1. Teaching and Learning @ CU
    a. Promote OBA concepts and projects
    b. Liaise with faculties and departments
    c. Contribute to University policy development for T & L
    d. Support T & L grants and projects
    e. Provide support for quality assurance of T & L

  2. Professional Development
    a. Provide T & L development opportunities for CUHK academic staff
    b. Provide T & L support for Teaching Assistants

  3. Learning Enhancement
    a. Support learning design for enhancement
    b. Provide resources for CUHK staff to use in renewing their T & L
    c. Support students’ language and learning

  4. Research for Scholarship
    a. Conduct research in student learning
    b. Contribute to the profession