Interprofessional Education

  • Li JTS, Chau JPC, Wong SYS, Lau ASN, Chan WCH, Yip PPS, Yang YJ, Ku Fred KT, Sze FYB, King I7, Lee VWY. (2022) Interprofessional Education in University – Situations in Hong Kong and Major Hurdles to Teachers. Frontiers in Education;7:653738. doi:10.3389/feduc.2022.653738.
  • Chau, J., Lo, S., Lee, V., Yiu, W., Chiang, H., Thompson, D., & Lau, A. (2020). Fostering gerontology students’ competence in Interprofessional collaborative practice. BMC Medical Education, 20(1), 388.
  • Lee, V., & Cheng, F. (2018). Multidisciplinary care for better clinical outcomes: Role of pharmacists in medication management. Hong Kong Medical Journal = Xianggang Yi Xue Za Zhi, 24(2), 96-97.
  • Gao H, Wong SYS, Lau ASN, Wong C, Wong WT, Lo S, Langlois S, Lee VWY. Evaluation on the Feasibility, Acceptance and Educational Values of Interprofessional Education (IPE) at CUHK. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Chau JPC, Lo SHS & Lee VWY. Evaluation of an interprofessional simulation education module on preventing and managing neonatal extravasation injuries. (Presented at the 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, EAPS 2022, Barcelona Spain, 7-11 October 2022) Frontiers in Pediatrics.
  • Lee VWY & Li JTS. Interprofessional Education Through Internationalization at Home – Global Classroom in the Post-COVID-19 Era (Presented at AMEE 2022)
  • Li, J., Wong, W., Lo, S., Chan, W., Chan, K., Ng, E., Chick, M., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Interprofessional Education to Enhance Patient Care – Pedagogy Design to Foster Mutual Learning. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., Chau, J., Lai, P., Wong, S., Lau, A., Wong, W., Chan, W., Yip, P., Yang, Y., Ku, F., & Sze, F. (2020, November) Evaluation of the Feasibility, Acceptance and Educational Values of Inter-professional education at CUHK. Presented at the 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Online Conference.
  • Lee, V., Chau, J., Lai, P., Wong, S., Lau, A., Chan, W., Chan, K., Ng, E., Lam, A., Cheung, F., & CU CHAMPION Core Team 2018. (2020, June) Patient’s Role in Interprofessional Education in the Community. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2020. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., Chau, J., Lai, P., Wong, S., Lau, A., Wong, W., Chan, W., Chan, K., Ng, E., Fong, F., & CU CHAMPION Core Team 2019. (2020, July). Impact of Inter-professional Education on Students’ And Patients’ Understanding on Health Literacy in the Community. Presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Spain. 
  • Lo, S., Chau, J., Lee, V., & Lau, A. (2019, July). Simulation-based learning for promoting interprofessional collaborative practice in gerontological students. Presented at the 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Spain.
  • Chau, P., Lo, S., Lee, V., & Lau, A. (2019, May). Opportunities and challenges in interdisciplinary gerontology education. Presented at the First Cochrane Hong Kong Symposium. Hong Kong. 
  • Lee, V., Ng, E., Ngai, L., Cheung, S., & Hodgson, P. (2018, May). Student experience of inter-professional practice. Presented at the Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2018. Hong Kong.

Students as Partners/ Co-Creation

  • Lee VWY, Cheng FWT, Wong B, Cheng A. (2023) Students-as-Partners project for Atrial Fibrillation in Hong Kong Elderly Patients in Community: Prevalence, Knowledge and Risk Factors. Research in Clinical Pharmacy;1(1): 34-39.
  • Lo SHS, Chau J, Choi KC, Lee VWY, Lau AYL, Lui G, Chan KM. Building community capacity: Preparing undergraduate students to promoting human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescent girls. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Suen BKP, King RB, Matthews KE, Chai CS, Lee VWY. Students-as-Partners (SaP) in Teaching and Learning at CUHK. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Chao GCN, Chan E, Lee VWY. Engaging Students in Teaching at CUHK – University Teachers’ Needs and Attitudes towards Students-as-Partners. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2022)
  • Fung, M., Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Wong, M., Ng, E., Li, J., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Co-Creation Service-Learning and its insights to undergraduate curriculum design – Reflections of Students and Teachers. Presented at the EDULEARN21 International Education Conference. Spain.

Service Learning

  • Fung MY, Lee YH, Lee AYT, Wong ML, Li JTS, Ng EEN, Lee VWY. (2022) Efficacy and Feasibility of Telephone-delivered Educational Intervention in Knowledge Transfer of COVID-19 related information to Elderly in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies;8:228.
  • Mok HY, Lee LT, Yan BPY, Lee VWY. (2022) Awareness and Knowledge on Atrial Fibrillation and Oral Anticoagulants Patients in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal; 29(3):86-91.
  • Lee, V., Lai, P., Chau, J., Wong, S., Chan, W., Lo, A., Fong, F., & Ng, E. (2020, December). Improving Students’ Understanding of Patients Through Implementing Interprofessional Service-Learning Activities in The Community. Paper presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020. Hong Kong.
  • Li, J., Ng, E., Chick, M., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Service-learning Transformation in CUHK Students Amid COVID-19 Pandemic – A Qualitative Study Based on Focus-group. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Li, J., Ng, E., Chick, M., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Students’ Experience in the Phone Reassurance Elderly Project – A Focus-group interview with CUHK Students on Service-Learning. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Fung, M., Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Wong, M., Ng, E., Li, J., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Pilot Study: Impacts of a Telephone-based Service-Learning Program on Undergraduate Students in Hong Kong.  Presented at the EDULEARN21 International Education Conference. Spain.
  • Fung MY, Lee YH, Lee YTA, Wong ML, Ng EEN, Li JTS, Lee V. Co-Creation Service-Learning and its insights to undergraduate curriculum design – Reflections of Students and Teachers. (Presented at the EDULEARN21 International Education Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
  • Lie YYC, Chan J, Li JTS, Lee VWY. Student Reflection on the Translational Platform for Addressing & Solving Social-problems (T-PASS) and its potential to undergraduate pedagogy. (Presented at the EdULearn 2022)
  • Wong SK, Szeto MMS, Chan CK, Li JTS, Lee VWY. Telehealth in Pandemic: Service-Learning through Virtual Healthcare Knowledge Transfer from Students to Elders. (Presented at AMEE 2022)
  • Lee VWY. CUHK’s experience and reflection on the implementation of service-learning. (Presented at the 3rd Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macau Service-Learning Conference, 2 December 2023, Shanghai, China)

Blended Learning/ eLearning

  • Lam, P., & Ng, H. K. Y. (2023). Teaching and learning with mobile technologies under covid-19 pandemic: Crisis or opportunity. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 17(1/2), 198.
  • Ng, H. K., & Lam, P. (2023). Emotional responses toward the flipped classroom approach across academic disciplines. 2023 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET).
  • Lam, P., & Tse, A. (2022). Gamification in everyday classrooms: Observations from schools in Hong Kong. Frontiers in Education, 6.
  • Ng, H. K. Y. & Lam, P. (2022). Advancing the understanding on the flipped classroom approach from students’ perception on the learning environment: Variation of academic discipline. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. 24.
  • Lee, V. W., Lam, P. L., Lo, J. T., Lee, J. L., & Li, J. T. (2022). Rethinking online assessment from university students’ perspective in COVID-19 pandemic. Cogent Education, 9(1).
  • Lee VWY and Huang QQ. (2022) First Year Student Blended Learning using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning; 39(4):373-85. DOI:10.1108/IJILT-02-2022-0024.
  • Liang SY, Chai CS, Lee VWY. (2022) Surveying and modelling 21st Century online learning patterns of medical students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;19, 12648.
  • Chan PP, Lee VWY, Yam JCS, Brelén M, Wan KH, Chen LJ, Tham CC, Pang CP. (2023) Flipped Classroom Case Learning vs. Traditional Lecture-Based Learning in Medical School Ophthalmology Education: A Randomized Trial. Academic Medicine; 98(9): 1053-61.
  • Li, J., Ng, E., & Lee, V. (2021). The use of virtual reality in pharmacy education in Hong Kong: Lessons learnt. Frontiers in Education, 6. doi:10.3389/feduc.2021.639126
  • Chau, J., Lo, S., Chan, K., Chan, M., Lee, V., Lam, S., . . . Thompson, D. (2021). Development and evaluation of a technology-enhanced, enquiry-based learning program on managing neonatal extravasation injury: A pre-test/post-test mixed-methods study. Nurse Education Today, 97, 104672.
  • Lam, P. L. C., & Kwong, T. (2020). International perspectives on the flipped classroom as a pathway to effective learner engagement: A message from the guest editors. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 31(4)
  • Lee, V., Hodgson, P., Chan, C., Fong, A., & Cheung, S. (2020). Optimising the learning process with immersive virtual reality and non-immersive virtual reality in an educational environment. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 14(1), 21. doi:10.1504/ijmlo.2020.10024690
  • Lam, P., Ng, H.,& Tse, A.,Lu, M.,& Wong, B. (2020). eLearning technology and the advancement of practical constructivist pedagogies: Illustrations from classroom observations. Education and Information Technologies. 10.1007/s10639-020-10245-w.
  • Lam, P., Ng, H. K. Y., Tse, A. H. H., Lu, M., & Wong, B. Y. W. (2020). eLearning technology and the advancementof practical constructivist pedagogies: Illustrations from classroom observations. Education and Information Technologies. Doi =
  • Lam, P., Ng, H. K. Y., Lau, C. K. M., & Tse, A. H. H. (2020). Flip or not? Evaluating the effectiveness of the flipped classroom in Hong Kong Higher Education. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, v31, n4, p89-107.
  • Ng, H. K. Y., & Lam, P. (In-press). How the number of lessons flipped within a course influence the flipped learning effectiveness and perceptions? Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2020.1826984
  • Lam, P., Ng, K. Y. H., Tse, A. H. H., Lu, I. M., &Wong, B.Y. W(2019). eLearning for students with special educational needs: Illustrations from two special schools. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning, 7(6).
  • Lam, P., Lau, K. M., & Chan, C. H. (2019). Continuous use of student response systems in university classes: a quantitative study of student response rates, IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 17(2), 1-13.
  • Lam, P., Lau, K. M., & Chan, C. H. (2019). Strategies to flip a classroom: lessons learnt from a join-university project. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet. 17(1), 51-65 (Selected for the Outstanding Paper Award)
  • Chan PPM, Lee VWY, Lai CH, Yam J, Chu WK, Ng D, Chen G, Tham C. A combined system of flipped classroom and problem-based learning for the ophthalmology course of undergraduate medical students (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2021)
  • Lee VWY and Lee JLF. Facilitating Blended Learning Research on First-year University Students. (Presented at the ICLT 2021)
  • Chao GCN, Lee JLF, Ng J, Cheung RWY, Ho A & Lee VWY. Evaluation of the Impact of Online Teaching on Students with Special Educational Needs (Presented at the EdULearn 2022)
  • Chao GCN & Lee VWY. Inclusion of Students with Special Educational Needs within Higher Education in Hong Kong: Challenges and Accommodations During COVID-19 Pandemics. (Presented at the EdULearn 2022)
  • Chao GCN, Chan E, Lee VWY. Challenges and Accommodations in Blended Learning for Teaching and Learning to Students with Special Educational Needs during COVID-19. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2022)
  • Lo SHS, Chau JPC, Chan AWK, Lam SKY, Chair SY, Lee VWY, Lo HHM, Chan MWM, Butt L, & Mirchandani K. Disability simulation learning experience for junior secondary school students (virtual presentation). (Presented at the 17th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, March 6-8 2023).
  • Chan PPM, Lee VWY, Yam J, Brelen M, Chu WK, Chen G, Tham C, Pang CP. To evaluate the effectiveness of a flipped classroom case learning (FCCL) module enhanced with service-learning to teach ophthalmology in medical school – a comparison with traditional lecture-based teaching. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Lo SHS, Chau J, Chan A, Lam S, Chair SY, Lee VWY. A disability simulation intervention raises disability awareness among secondary school and university students. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Gao H, Li J, Lee VWY. Adaptation and Validation of an instrument to Measure Hong Kong College Students’ Attitudes Toward the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. (Presented at the 10th Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Mar 25, 2024, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Lee, V., & Hodgson, P. (2019, May). Building holistic professional competence through AR, IVR and interprofessional education. Presented at the Lilly Conference. Hong Kong.
  • Chung, T., Sze, C., & Lee, V. (2021, July).  A cross-sectional study: the association between online teaching quality, peer support and learning attitudes of senior secondary school students in Hong Kong Amid COVID-19 pandemic.  Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Sze, C., Chung, T., & Lee, V. (2021, July). A cross-sectional study: the association between economic status, peer support and the quality of online learning experiences of undergraduate students in Hong Kong amid COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., Ng, E., Yiu, C., Chan, A., & Tsang, I. (2020, July) Learning Medical Abbreviations on Instagram. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., & Lee, J. (2021, July). Evaluation of the impact of online teaching on students with special educational needs (SEN). Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Li, J., Wong, W., Lo, S., Chan, W., Chan, K., Lising, D., Langlois, S., Ng, E., Chick, M., & Lee, V. (2021, July). Internationalization at Home – Opportunities for Global Classroom Amid COVID-19. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., Lam, P., Lo, J., & Lee, J. (2020, November) . Evaluation of the Concerns and Barriers of Online Assessment – Student Perspectives. Presented at the 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Online Conference.
  • Lee, V., Ng, E., & Lam, A. (2020, July).  Virtual and Augmented Reality for Clinical Pharmacy & Community Health Education.  Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., Lam, P., & Lo, J. (2020, July). Evaluation of the Concerns and Barriers of Online Assessment – Students’ Perspectives. Presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021. Hong Kong.
  • Lee, V., & Hodgson, P. (2019, July). Engaging pharmacy students: experiencing virtual reality in the classroom and connecting groups and communities needed pharmacological advice with mobile apps. Presented at the 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Palma. ­Spain­. 
  • Lee, V., Hodgson, P. (2019, June). Deepening Understanding of Pharmacy Practice through Experiencing Virtual Reality and Mobile Patient-Health Application. Presented at the International Conference The Future of Education. Italy. 
  • Lee, V. (2019, June) The use of Immersive Virtual Reality – would it be useful for the education in supportive care of cancer management?. Presented at the MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer. The United States. 
  • Lee, V., Hodgson, P., & Ho, A. (2019, May). Personalized medication advice using mobile apps.  Presented at the International Conference on e-Health and Healthcare Innovation. The Netherlands. 
  • Hodgson, P., Lee, V., Chan, J., Fong, A., Tang, C., Chan, L., & Wong, C. (2018, September). Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in Higher Education: Development and Implementation. Presented at the 6th European Conference ECIL 2018. Finland.


  • Lee VWY. Evaluation of the Academic Advising System and Support at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. (Presented at the EdULearn 2022)
  • Suen BKP, Lam GYH, Lee JLF, Wong CKL, Lee VWY. The Impact of Universal Design Learning Model on Inclusive Education at CUHK. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Suen BKP, King RB, Chui HTY, Wong CKL, Chai CS, Lee VWY. Academic Advising Support for Teachers at CUHK. (Presented at the CUHK T&L Expo 2023)
  • Li J, Gao H, Lee VWY. Thriving Through Transitioning: Unravelling the Interplay of Transitional Challenges, Well-Being, Help-Seeking Barriers, and Adjustments into University. (Presented at the 10th Asian Conference on Education & International Development, Mar 25, 2024, Tokyo, Japan)